
Tried Something New Recently?

1 minute read

Twice a week I receive an email from work through Know Your Company asking a specific question. One question we get every Monday is “What are you working on this week?”. On Wednesday we get an email with everyone’s answers, which is a great way to know what’s happening in different departments. The other question we get changes every week, but it’s usually something fun like “What’s the worst haircut you ever received?” or “What book are you reading this week?”. We get these questions on Friday, and it’s entertaining to read all the answers on Monday morning. Considering the majority of the Basecamp team works remotely, I’ve learned a lot of neat things about my coworkers!

This week we were asked “What new thing have you tried recently?” and I was stumped. I couldn’t think of one thing. New food? Nope. New workout routine? Nope. New something? Anything? Nope.

I realized how depressing that thought was! Are we so stuck in a rut that we haven’t tried something new recently? Honestly the last thing I could think of was all the new restaurants we tried while we were in Portland in March.

So here’s one more great reason for us to get an Airstream. It will force us to try new things. From that new farm stand on the corner to that new view at that next new boondocking site, everything will be new and different. Creatures of habit we’ll be no more, and I won’t be at a loss when someone asks “What new thing have you tried recently?”